By Jon Craig, Chief Political Correspondent
David Cameron will round off the autumn party conference season with a pledge to create a "land of opportunity" in Britain.
The Prime Minister will vow that the Conservatives will "finish the job" the coalition has started in "clearing up the mess" created by Labour.
In his speech at the end of the Tory conference in Manchester, he will promise to boost aspiration with sweeping reforms of education, welfare and the economy.
After major announcements this week on Help-to-Buy, welfare, GPs' hours and a petrol price freeze, Mr Cameron will call for a second term with a Tory majority.
"This party at its heart is about big people, strong communities, responsible businesses, a bigger society - not a bigger state," he will say.
"It's how we've been clearing up the mess. And it's how we're going to build something better in its place. So let's stick with it and finish the job we've started."

David Cameron wants to point towards a more positive future
Mr Cameron will begin his speech by declaring: "Our dreams are about helping people get on in life, aspiration, opportunity. These are our words, our dreams.
"I believe it is the great Conservative mission that as our economy starts to recover we build a land of opportunity in our country today."
But he will say finishing the job is about more than clearing up the mess, adding: "It means building something better in its place.
"In place of the casino economy, one where people who work hard can actually get on.
"In place of the welfare society, one where no individual is written off.
"In place of the broken education system, one that gives every child the chance to rise up and succeed.
"Our economy, our society, welfare, schools, all reformed, all rebuilt - with one aim, one mission in mind: to make this country, at long last and for the first time ever, a land of opportunity for all."

Mr Cameron will say it makes no difference whether you live in the North or the South, are black or white, or a man or a woman, what school you went to, what background you have, or who your parents were.
"What matters is the effort you put in, and if you put the effort in you'll have the chance to make it," he will say. "That's what the land of opportunity means. That's what finishing the job means."
On aspiration, Mr Cameron will say: "You don't help children succeed by dumbing down education. You help them by pushing them hard.
"Good education is not about equality of outcomes, but bringing the best out of every single child.
"You don't help people by leaving them stuck on welfare, but by helping them stand on their own two feet.
"Why? Because the best way out of poverty is work - and the dignity that brings."
In a strongly pro-business message, Mr Cameron will say: "We know that profit, wealth creation, tax cuts, enterprise - these are not dirty, elitist words, they're not the problem.
"They really are the solution because it's not government that creates jobs, it's businesses.
"It's businesses that get wages in people's pockets, food on their tables, hope for their families and success for our country."
Mr Cameron will say there is no short cut to a land of opportunity, no quick fix and no easy way to do it.
"You build it business by business, school by school, person by person, patiently, practically, painstakingly," he will say. "And under-pinning it all is that deep, instinctive belief that if you trust people and give them the tools, they will succeed."
And in a rallying call to his party to fight for an outright Tory victory in 2015, he will say: "It requires a strong government, with a clear mandate, that is accountable for what it promises and yes, what it delivers.
"And let me tell everyone here what that means. When the election comes, we won't be campaigning for a coalition.
"We will be fighting heart and soul for a majority Conservative Government - because that is what our country needs."
:: Watch David Cameron's speech live on Sky News from 11am.