Survey: Half Of Men Do Not Give To Charity

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 07 April 2015 | 14.47

By Sean Dilley, Sky News Reporter

Charities should do more to target young people and men who do not give to charitable causes, according to a report into the UK's giving habits.

The survey conducted by the Charities Aid Foundation found that nearly half of men do nothing for charity in a typical month.

In contrast, three fifths of women support good causes and are twice as likely to donate to charity shops.

While older people, women and those from higher socioeconomic groups are the most likely to give to charity, those earning the least have been found to be the most generous.

The survey found people earning under £9,500 per year donated an average of 4% of their pay-packet.

Donations to the UK's 160,000 registered charities are estimated to have reached around £10.6bn despite tough economic times. 

The report's authors suggest that to ensure optimum future funding, charities should do more to communicate how funds help to support their beneficiaries as well as targeting young people.

Ben Russell from the Charities Aid Foundation said: "One of the things that we really want to do is to work with schools, with universities, with employers to get people in the habit of giving early in their lives so that's a habit they carry on and take through all the way through the rest of their lives."

Currently, just 43% of those aged 16-24 reported donating to charities in the four weeks prior to questioning.

This compares with 63% of those in the 45-64 age group.

Last year, 70% of people said they donated to charities directly or sponsored someone for a charitable event. The average charitable donation was £14.

Others were found to donate their time. Some 14% of respondents reported volunteering for a charity.

Margaret Clarke is a registered blind guide dog owner.

Speaking to Sky News about her work as a volunteer with the Stevenage and District fundraising group of Guide Dogs in Hertfordshire, she said: "I feel as though I've grown as a person.

"I would never have thought five or six years ago that I could physically stand up in front of a room of twenty plus people and talk for at least an hour. I feel very passionate about it and I just love doing it."

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