M&S Reveals Like-For-Like Sales Up 0.7%

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 02 April 2015 | 14.47

Marks & Spencer has revealed like-for-like sales of food and clothing are up 0.7%, the first rise in sales for 14 quarters.

The retailer issued a trading statement for the 13 weeks to 28 March, which also revealed that total like-for-like UK were up 0.7%, group sales were up 1.9% and international sales were down 3.8%.

The lift in sales, the first rise in more than three years of trading, has been attributed to a customer response to changes in "product quality and styling" and an increase in the sale of more full-price items.

Food sales were also helped by record Valentine's Day trading.

The group said its spring and summer collections have been well received, including its much talked about suede skirt.

M&S shares opened up 4% after the fourth quarter sales figures beat City expectations. Analysts had expected a 1.2% drop in like-for-like sales.

The company said that online sales returned to growth of 13.8%, with traffic numbers and customer satisfaction ratings continuing to improve since distribution problems hit Christmas trading.

Marc Bolland, chief executive, has faced increasing pressure to turn around the clothing business.

He said: "We have made strong progress over the quarter. In food we delivered another excellent performance, with sales growth ahead of the market.

"We continued to deliver on general merchandise gross margin, and are pleased that we have achieved this whilst also improving general merchandise sales."

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