HSBC Tax Scandal: France Starts Criminal Probe

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 10 April 2015 | 14.47

HSBC has expressed outrage at being placed on €1bn bail amid a criminal investigation in France into historical tax issues.

The UK-listed bank said it was informed on Wednesday that French magistrates were examining the "conduct of its Swiss private bank in 2006 and 2007 for alleged tax-related offences."

Its statement said the court's decision is "without legal basis and bail is unwarranted and excessive".

The bank added that it intended to appeal and "defend itself vigorously in any future proceedings".

Activities at the private bank are being examined in several other countries including Germany and Argentina in the wake of the publication of stolen files.

The papers claimed the Swiss operation had helped clients in more than 200 countries, including Britain, evade and avoid tax.

The accounts in question were said to contain £77bn ($119bn).

HSBC chief executive Stuart Gulliver apologised earlier this year for past practices at the Swiss arm.

He and chairman Douglas Flint told a committee of MPs in February they had completed a series of reforms to help restore trust and confidence.

Argentina last month stepped up its tax evasion row with HSBC by demanding it repatriates $3.5bn (£2.32bn) of cash allegedly moved from the country to its Swiss private bank.

The country's tax authorities issued the request weeks after the Central Bank of Argentina temporarily suspended HSBC Bank Argentina's operations of transferring money and assets abroad for a period of 30 days.

Argentina accuses HSBC of aiding more than 4,000 clients to evade taxes by shifting assets offshore.

HSBC Argentina denied the claim - insisting it respected Argentine law.

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HSBC Tax Scandal: France Starts Criminal Probe

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