Vast Food: Restaurants Urged To Cut Portions

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 28 September 2014 | 14.47

By Poppy Trowbridge, Consumer Affairs Correspondent

Restaurants should cut portion sizes or charge more for large servings to help reduce food waste and fight obesity, experts have said.

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health said the measures would also mean significant savings for food outlets and catering firms.

Jenny Morris, policy officer at the professional body for environmental and public health, told Sky News: "Many of us eat too much.

"The portions we expect to see are too big.

"It seems obvious to me, that an easy solution is to only produce the amount of food that is going to be consumed or that is needed."

She also added that there was some rationale for restaurants to charge a premium for large servings, in a bid to combat rising obesity rates.

Campaigns have sought to encourage consumers to cut back on food waste for years, but the CIEH says the industry itself must drive the changes.

Antony Worrall Thompson Anthony Worrall Thompson says 97p per customer is lost in food waste

"I think that it is business that needs to lead on it because it is business that is in control," Ms Morris said.

"It hasn't always been the focus up until now."

While big business has begun to measure appropriate portion sizes and reduce food waste, the majority of Britain's food businesses are missing out.

Ms Morris said small and medium-sized restaurants could save hundreds of pounds a week by simply reducing how much meat and produce is wasted.

Celebrity chef Anthony Worrall Thompson estimates that 97p per customer is lost in food waste.

"When you add that amongst the thousands of customers we have every year, it's a huge amount of money," he said.

Recycling body WRAP estimates the cost of food being wasted in the UK from the hospitality and food service sector will reach £3bn per year by 2016.

Ms Morris said: "We are in a very privileged situation at the moment where food is relatively cheap. It won't be in the future.

"It doesn't matter whether a business is small or large, it can save a lot of money." 

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