Cameron To Target Tax Avoidance In Davos Speech

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 24 Januari 2013 | 14.47

David Cameron will call for greater international cooperation to crack down on tax avoidance in a speech to the World Economic Forum later.

The Prime Minister will urge world leaders to work together to tackle problems with evasion and avoidance which allow multinational companies and the super-rich to keep their tax bills down.

The issue is a key focus for Mr Cameron during Britain's presidency of the G8 leading economic powers.

Downing Street said he would also use his speech at the Swiss ski resort Davos to talk about trade and transparency.

His spokesman said he would not be talking about Europe in the wake of his landmark promise of a referendum on Wednesday.

David Cameron Davos speech promo

The World Economic Forum brings together top politicians from around the globe with leading business figures, economists and lobbyists.

On Wednesday, the left-wing Labour MP Dennis Skinner said it was "gruesome" for the Prime Minister to be "heading out of austerity-riddled Britain to wine and dine at Davos with 50 top bankers who helped to create the economic crash, several hundred tax avoiding millionaires".

Responding in the Commons, Mr Cameron said: "To be fair, I think when you see the speech I'm going to be making in Davos, in which I will be arguing we need greater transparency over tax, we need greater responsibility over the tax avoidance and tax evasion issues, we need greater transparency about companies and the land issue.

"You may even find there are some things I'm going to say you might agree with."

In the most significant speech of his premiership so far, Mr Cameron announced on Wednesday that Britons will be able to vote to leave the European Union by the end of 2017 if the Conservatives win the next general election.

He promised to negotiate a new settlement with Brussels and then stage a straight in-out referendum on British membership if he stays in power.

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